The Effect of Social Capital Recognition and Economic Factors on Donation Behavior: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Happiness and Welfare Recognition
Yong-Soo Cheon ,Department of Hotel Management, College of Economics & Business Administration, Cheongju University, Cheongju, 28503, Korea
The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural relationship between social capital recognition and economic factors and donation behavior through mediator effect of donors’ happiness and welfare perception. To do this, we used data from the 10th and 11th year of the Korea Welfare Panel. Amos 18.0 was used to analyze the structural model for mediating effect. The results of this study are as follows: First, social capital awareness influences donation behavior indirectly through happiness and welfare awareness. Second, economic situation indirectly influences donation behavior through happiness and welfare awareness. Third, welfare perception and happiness directly affect donation behavior. Based on the results of this study, we provided a basis for promoting donation promotion and an empirical understanding of the relationship between welfare recognition and donation.
Donation Behavior, Social Capital Recognition, Economic factors, Happiness, Welfare Recognition.
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